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kill the 'silent killer' get a boost in the bedroom with this zero-sugar 'fruit juice routine'

High blood pressure is known as the silent killer for a good reason.  It can cause heart attacks and strokes.  Most people ignore their high blood pressure, thinking it's 'no big deal'.

I'm here to tell you that simply isn't true.  You MUST keep your blood pressure in a healthy range to avoid sudden death.  I've had 3 patients die in the last year alone because they refused to heed my warnings about high blood pressure.

Imagine the heartbreak their family felt when they fell victim to something that was entirely preventable.  

But when my patients do listen to me about high blood pressure, I don't give them prescription drugs. 

See blood pressure drugs are a serious problem too. First of all - the drug companies design them so you can't just take one.  You have to take at least 2 and more often 3 different drugs to truly control your blood pressure with them. 

And of course when you take 3 different drugs a couple things happen:

Yes - your blood pressure actually goes down.

But you also get a whole boatload of negative side effects.  Because you're naturally lowering your blood pressure you get fatigued and can have trouble getting and maintaining an erection.

Those are serious problems, but fortunately there is a serious solution.

See a few years ago I tapped the knowledge of my friend the cardiologist- Dr. Shurva.

And he told me something very interesting. He told me that the best thing for blood pressure problems come from a natural source: beets.

And it solves the number one problem of blood pressure medication: fatigue and erectile dysfunction.

And that's why he started experimenting with giving his patients beetroot powder years ago. See your blood pressure goes down naturally when you flood your body with nitric oxide. Nitric oxide naturally occurs in beets.

Nitric oxide makes your arteries flexible and supple. Stiff arteries lead to blood pressure spikes and a whole host of other medical issues.

And nitric oxide has a very pronounced 'viagra effect' because it increases blood flow to the groin.

So by eating beets you can magnify your body's ability to control blood pressure levels, have vibrant energy all day, AND still maintain a healthy sex life. 

I've tried it with hundreds of my patients and they love their results.

The problem is that beets are hard to eat. They’re messy, they taste awful to most folks, and they’re often hard to get.

So we came up with a way to mix beets with berries to make a delicious tasting juice mix that people LOVE to drink.

Plus it addresses several of the main problems with high blood sugar and diabetes:

  • Hunger: This delicious fruit drink can kill hunger without spiking blood sugar
  • Energy: Many people turn to sugary or caffeinated drinks for energy, this has neither
  • Taste: People with blood sugar issues crave something sweet and this fits the bill perfectly - with zero sugar!
Each serving only has 2 grams of carbs so you don’t have to worry about spiking your blood sugar levels.

It’s become the morning ‘fruit juice’ routine for thousands of people and they’re RAVING about it.

I'd love it if you tried a jar. 

 It's so healthy for you I recommend it to my clients who don't have blood pressure issues. Blood pressure is the silent killer, so everyone can benefit from lower blood pressure AND higher energy levels.

Plus we include citrulline, a mega-shot of vitamin B12, and ashwagandha for all-day low blood pressure and energy.

So give it a shot, you got nothing to lose on this one…

Dr. Ralph La Guardia

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See Why Our Clients Love Us

My new morning juice

I love product I love the taste of it and I love the energy and I get from all of the fruits and vegetables this is a great product. I can FEEL my blood pressure drop and I would recommend it to anyone trying to stay healthy!

Randy Ross, 69

Works like a charm

High blood pressure runs in my family so I've been on medications since I was 40. With Super Reds I was able to drop 2 of the 3 medications. My doctor said it was ok to do it! He was so surprised when I checked me out. I was too honestly, I thought reds tasted great but I wasn't sure it would do anything.

Demetrius Clark, 54

My wife certainly noticed!

This stuff is great. It tastes so good, and without the overpowering sugary sweetness. I have been able to give up my morning energy drink because after having Super Reds with breakfast, and my blood pressure has been within healthy range without drugs. Plus, I have had more intimate time with the wifey, and she is thrilled!

Kris Little, 57

I can feel it working

I really like the Super Reds. I have been using another beet drink that doesn't have nearly the amount or quality of active ingredients in it. I can really feel the difference with Super Reds. I use it in the morning to calm my nerves and blood pressure at my job. It's very stressful. This helps a lot!

Isaac Modivah, 64

Yes! Send Me A Month Supply Of American Super Reds!

Always Free Shipping & Handling!

What Will You Do First When You No Longer Have Blood Pressure Issues?

  • Exercise more?
  • Have more energy?
  • Stop living in fear?
  • Have more intimate time?

Your Order Is Backed With A Full
Lifetime Guarantee

We know that word of mouth is the best advertising, so we want you to be 100% satisfied your purchase and your experience with us.

If at any time you are not satisfied with your purchase just email and she will take care of your issue immediately.
Decide it's just not for you? No problem, we'll refund your money and you don't have to return any opened jars.

You get a 100% refund no hassles, run arounds, support tickets or complicated phone calls.

Don't Wait, Due To Our High Quality Standards Our Stock Is Extremely Limited

Yes! Send Me A Month Supply Of American Super Reds!

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Healthy Living is a small, family-owned company based in the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Colorado. 
 You can find us at 1990 Depew Street #140690 Edgewater, CO 80214.